This is what we at Sunday night before the movie, matzoh and latkes. I've never made latkes before, I used Bryanna's recipe. I followed the zucchini variation (but I only had one), and my husband had no idea there were onions in them. Or he's finally sucked it up and stopped caring. The matzoh definitely looks better, but I still think they could be fluffier.
I didn't bother trying to make the latkes low fat so they were fried in oil. One of the things i've learned in dieting is that if you don't give yourself a break every now and then, you'll just go nuts and binge eat. These were my delicious greasy break.

This is the only thing I made while I was sick. I was going to test Joanna's lentil soup recipe, but it requires red wine so I just threw together my own. Lentils, onion, garlic, carrots, tomatoes, quinoa, some spices. I blended half of it because I think soup just tastes and looks better that way. I took this picture, then took a bite and realized the lentils were still not quite done. So I put it back on the stove...and burned it. Sheesh. I still ate it, I just had to make sure to not scrape up the burnt bottom.
As of this morning, I am down to 145. That's about 17 pounds overall, since I was pmsing and bloated when I first got up the nerve to weigh myself. So far the weight is coming off quickly, if I wasn't keeping track of my food on the Weight Watchers website i'd wonder if I was eating enough. I swear I lost three pounds this week just by peeing from all of the water i've been drinking. I would also like to thank my friend, the banana, for always being there for me when I need a quick snack. You are an amazing food, my friend.

I went on a mini book buying spree on amazon. These should keep me busy while i'm waiting for my body to hurry up and stop being tired, already.